Joe Warren pretends like he knows that he was on the Frate Trane list in this interview…

Joe Warren was grandfathered into the official MiddleEasy Frate Trane list when he made his Bellator debut back in April 2010. Since then, he’s gone undefeated aside from a little speed bump that occurred at Bellator 51. Of course, the term ‘speed bump’ can be replaced with ‘An unbelievable flurry from the fists of Alexis Vila’ and have exactly the same meaning. Unfortunately we had to remove the number two ranked Frate Trane from the list and replace him with the UFC middleweight champion. This sparked unbelievable controversy on the official MiddleEasy Frate Trane list and more than a few egos were crushed that day. The point I’m trying to make here is that judging from this interview we grabbed from Joe Warren, it appears the guy didn’t even know that he was on the most coveted list in MMA today.

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Published on October 31, 2011 at 6:49 pm
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