Joe Rogan digs Pride rules

You can’t judge a dude just because you uses a lot of fart jokes in his stand-up act. If fart jokes were the measurement of man, I would have fell off the evolutionary chain in like 6th grade. Joe Rogan is a knowledgeable guy. He also had a tree growing out of his toilet a few months ago which was undoubtedly the source of about three hours worth of straight fart jokes. It’s cool. He knows who Terence McKenna is so he definitely gets a pass. On his blog, Joe Rogan goes off on exactly how nuts Pride was in the golden era of MMA.

They had some insane fights over there, and some of the greatest fighters ever carved out the majority of their career there. There was something extra special about those fights. Part of it was that they were in Japan, and their culture is so much different than ours. The pageantry of the event was off the charts – giant video screen entrances that really built up the hype, and rules that were quite different than we have here. First of all, they didn’t allow elbows on the ground, because they caused cuts and they didn’t like the idea of a cut stopping a fight. Although elbows on the ground are very effective weapons, the people running Pride felt like it was better to leave them out to avoid potential indecisive doctor stoppages. What they were allowed to do however, is stomp each other in the head while they’re down and soccer kick each other in the face while they’re down. THAT is some pretty brutal ****, and there’s something about that added element of danger that just cranks the dial up on the excitement meter considerably when you’re watching it.

There’s a lot more to read and I could have just posted the entire thing here but then there would be no reason to visit Joe Rogan’s blog. I can’t do that to the dude that occasionally reads MiddleEasy, usually to ask if he could have some pictures we took of him.

Published on February 2, 2010 at 6:44 pm
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