I’d like to take the entirety of this opening paragraph to apologize to each and every one of you for the headline to this article. It’s important that you know that even as a tongue-in-cheek play on an Upworthy title, it’s still so cringe-worthy that I have to sit here and use the opening paragraph to apologize for it. You already know that part though, remember? I wrote about that in the beginning of this whole thing.
Jerome Le Banner is training in Japan, and when he saw an elderly woman in need of help across a busy street, he did what any legendary kickboxer would do; tenderly take her hand in his, then guide her to her preferred destination.
Let the Good Guy Le Banner memes flow.
写真は7月18日午前、大森ゴールドジムでの練習後のジェロム・レ・バンナとチャクリキ古河の相澤宏使師範が、横断歩道で転倒したお年寄りを助け起こした時のもの。バンナはおばあさんの手を取って一緒に横断歩道を渡っていきました。 pic.twitter.com/wpUJpfALOp
— ゴング格闘技 (@GONG_KAKUTOGI) July 18, 2014