Part of me is sad that Rampage is leaving the UFC to pursue a career in boxing. Whoops… Not sure if I’m supposed to disclose that. Chalk it up to a bullet point of the Sunday Morning Rumor Mill: Saturday afternoon edition. In any case, Rampage has made no secret that tonight will be his last appearance in the octagon. If you’re a fan of his entire combat career, it’s certainly a moot point when discussing an otherwise rawesome free card. On a positive note, we all get to watch Rampage fight on free TV opposite Glover Teixeira. and that might be the coolest way to go out in the history of UFC departures. We don’t know what’s going to happen, but if it’s like any of the other times a hard-headed Brazilian decided to stand in the pocket and trade with Rampage, it’s going to be friggen amazing. Check out their final verbal exchange before they square off tonight in this short clip courtesy of the UFC.