I work naked everyday while The Howard Stern Show gently plays in the background of my apartment in Hollywood. If you want my life, then you must have a severely repressed childhood, rack up an endless amount of student loan debt, and then quit your job, pack all your possessions inside your Daewoo Lanos and drive from the East Coast to Los Angeles, California just to sleep on your lesbian friend’s sofa for a month until you find a place to live.
That was my formula, and it was stupid. I don’t suggest anyone else doing that. There’s a lot of stuff that can go wrong, so my advice would be to just take a short cut and be the vice president of a large MMA organization that’s owned by one of the largest corporations in the world. If I hated my job as much as you do, this would be a no brainer. Get out of your office — and go to another office. At least do something that you love and lessen your chance of getting harassed by soccer moms that want to show you pictures of their kids.
Normally this wouldn’t make news on MiddleEasy, but it’s not everyday that you see ‘Vice President of Corporate Operations for Bellator’ being advertising online. Screw inner-company promotion, this is your chance to give your two-weeks notice and then pull one of these at your job. It appears Bellator is expanding in the Irvine, California area and is hiring multiple positions, which include: Business Operations Director, Operations Manager, Travel Director and VP of Corporate Operations. All of those positions sound super important, at least far more significant than ‘insurance claims adjuster.’ Chances are you are qualified for these positions and you don’t even know it, so apply away and when you get unpacked into your new office, send me Mercedes Terrell‘s phone number.