Here it is, the UFC on FX 7 vlog day 1. Imagine time traveling and showing someone that title – UFC on FX 7 vlog day 1. It might as well be THX-1138 to someone in the past, but we know that UFC on FX 7 v-log day 1 will mostly have to do with UFC 155 and Joe Lauzon finally getting paid for the Nick the Tooth grappling match beatdown that Dana arranged. So in other words, it has nothing to do with UFC on FX 7, but it’s still a vlog, but the day 1 title… Dana, Nick the Tooth, anyone who can read these words: the titles to your vlogs are confusing. At least to me.
You should still watch though, because they are damn entertaining. You would know, the MiddleEasy readers voted in Dana White as vlogger of the year, garnering 53% of the vote. Nice.