Get ready for the new K-1, announced this morning in Japan

[div class=”notice” class2=”icon”]The following is from an article on, part of the MiddleEasy Network.[/div]

Kazuyoshi Ishii officially announced FIKA today, and has promised it will be a new day for K-1 worldwide. FIKA is the Federation International K-1 Association, and will apparently be the new governing body for K-1. There will be a K-1 World Grand Prix in 2012, but to fully grasp what Ishii and his new partners have planned, think big.

FIKA is to be headquartered in Hong Kong and they are going to appeal big time to Chinese audiences by having some of their biggest shows take place in China. There will still be a “World Stage” event in Japan, but it doesn’t appear to be the Finals. They are looking to hold events around the world to bring a ‘World Cup’ feeling and will try to be the FIFA of Kickboxing. FIKA has also brought on famous Chinese folk singer Song Zuying to sing the official FIKA theme song, which was apparently the big headline grabber in China in regards to this announcement, on top of the list of famous people at the event. The theme song will apparently be recorded in English as well, which Zuying was quoted saying it would help FIKA have a global appeal.

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Published on November 3, 2011 at 12:43 pm
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