The concept of a shallow depth of field is interesting in cinematography. It adds a dynamic look and feel to your shot and it draws attention to the main subject in your piece. It also looks plain cool. You gotta love that focused image with the blurry background, it’s like magic isn’t it? Well guess what? It kind of is magic…Movie magic! You too, MMA blog reader can achieve a shallow depth of field and will tell you how.
First you have to go really far away from your subject, depending on your lens at lest 10-20 feet to achieve the desired effect. When you are suitably distanced, zoom all the way in on your subject and there you have it. Depth of field for dummies (or the ignorant, what a mean title for books). Please examine the below video by MMAMania talking to Frankie Edgar about his injuries for good usage of DOF, and don’t forget to mic your subject and explain to them you will be conducting the interview from across the room.
A self help book series called ‘For the Ignorant’ would be awesome. I need to start working on that.