Alright by now the fact that Clay Guida is actually Blanka isnt even a surprise. Its been talked about and accepted as part of what we have to live with in our daily lives. If you see Guida walk by, stand clear because he may do one of those spinning, mid-air curl ball things and launch right at you. Also, try to avoid getting into close quarters with Guida because he may kneel down and start shocking himself and everything around him. Dude is Blanka, we all know it but its cool. He’s a beast…but an actual beast. You guys don’t understand.
Clay Guida is so raw in fact that THQ couldnt put him in the new UFC Undisputed 2009 because he crashed the game everytime he would appear on screen.
That needs to be repeated.
Clay Guida is so raw he CRASHED THE ENTIRE GAME.
Apparently Guida’s hair is so lethal that it caused collision detection issues in the game and THQ tried to pay him to cut his hair but he refused.
Evans and Machida could be cancelled tomorrow, this news already made my entire weekend. Read more here.