Check out the third installment of the ‘Sonnen’s War’ comic featuring Nick Diaz, Randy Couture and Phil Baroni

Sometimes you just need a little big-headed Nick Diaz rocking a ninja suit in your life to help you cheer up. Wipe that frown off your face, MiddleEasy reader. Sure it’s Tuesday night and we’re still days away from the weekend, but life is worth living! Especially when you have a new issue of Sonnen’s War, the comic that surprisingly has nothing to do with Chael Sonnen! Well, maybe it does. These issues come so far and few in-between that we forget the storyline.

If you missed the first issue of Sonnen’s War, you can check it out right here. Still want more? Check out the second issue that was released last September. Now that you’re up to date, feel free to sit back and check out the third issue, featuring Chuck Liddell, Nick Diaz, Phil Baroni, Randy Couture and Matt Hughes. Be sure to check out Masato Toys for more illustrated fun.

Published on January 16, 2013 at 1:24 am
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