Brock Lesnar says he needs to eat his roughage

When I was worked at Magpies Pizza back in Tucson, I made a pizza with cheese on the bottom, chicken wings on top of the cheese, and then cheese on top of the chicken wings. Some guy told me to use boneless wings but I just couldn’t do it. I’m not eating a chicken that has no bones. Something is obviously wrong with that chicken. I think if I eat it, I’ll just be adding to it’s problems. After Brock Lesnar fully regenerated earlier this week, he attributed his illness to an extremely high-protein diet (which most likely consisted of chicken wings…and the rest of the chicken). In this video, Lesnar says that he needs to eat his ‘roughage’.

“I got very, very sick. It was a challenging time. I thought my career had ended. But thank God and my family that I’m back.”

“I’m feeling 100%. I haven’t felt like this for a year and a half. I lost a lot a weight. For a while I thought I would go to 205, but I like my steak and potatoes too much. Now I gotta eat my roughage too.”

“When I left the hospital, the next day I was in the gym. I’ve had to work up from ground zero and build my base up again. But I’m alive and well and ready to kick some ass.”

Roughage is one of those words you just want to pinch it on the cheeks and say ‘How did you make it in the dictionary?’ in a goofy, high-pitched voice. The fact that Brock Lesnar used ‘rougage’ should fill you up with some inner-joy. The same inner-joy when your grandmother forced broccoli down your throat when you were 11 but you were too afraid to tell her to stop because he had a shotgun hidden under her sofa that you weren’t supposed to know about but you and your friend Ian used to play with after summer-school. Damn my childhood.  [Source]

Published on January 23, 2010 at 3:15 pm
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