Japan is known for gadgets and gizmos that often set the standard for technological advancements throughout the world. Whatever contraption you’re using to read this article was probably conceived by a gang of Japanese geniuses sitting in an office building in Tokyo. One of those guys was obviously a fan of Bob Sapp. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the Casio G-Shock: Bob “The Beast” Sapp Edition.
Before you all run to RadioShack, you should probably know that this watch was discontinued a little over 6 years ago. I would have told you about this sooner, but I keep getting distracted by reruns of MXE and feeding my Tamagotchi. The only reason this article was even written was because I needed to take a break from renovating my bathroom. Once I install this new bathtub I’ll finally be able to relax in a nice hot pool of my attention deficit disorder.