Andrei Arlovski defeats Philipe Lins soundly via UD
Taking place on the main card in the heavyweight division is veteran Andrei Arlovski (28-19-0, 2 NC) battling Philipe Lins (14-3-0).
Round 1:
The first round is underway! Arlovski starts it off with a low leg kick. Lins jumps for two shots to the body and Arlovski responds with another leg kick. Lins lands his own leg kick and switches stances. Arlovski charges in and misses with a right hand. Lins begins to stalk and lands a good overhand right. Arlovski and Lins clinch up and both men land short.
Big shot from Arlovski is countered by Lins
A big shot from Lins is followed by a kick to the body. Arlovski charges in again and is caught with a counter left hook. Lin lands another strong left hook and follows it with a leg kick. Arlovski throws a high kick that is defended. Big body shot by Arlovski lands. Lins goes back to the body as he continues to stalk. The two heavyweights clinch against the fence and break after a couple seconds. Big spinning fist from Arlovski lands and Lins answers with a leg kick. Lins throws another leg kick and barely misses on an overhand left. Arlovski lands an inside leg kick as the first round comes to an end.
10-9 Lins
Round 2:
The second round is underway and Arlovski opens up with a shot to the body. Lins lands a nice kick to the body. Arlovski charges in and lands another good right to the body of Lins. Another inside leg kick from Arlovski lands, but is followed up from a big right from Lins. The two get in a small exchange and clinch against the fence, but separate quickly. Lins lands another shot and they clinch up again.
Arlovski lands an elbow exiting the clinch.
Lins lands a small leg kick as he continues to stalk. Lins lands a nice overhand right that backs Arlovski up. Both men exchange big blows and Arlovski follows up with a one two. Arlovski lands another low kick. Brief pause as Lins lands an accidental groin strike. The action returns and Arlovski lands a low leg kick. Lins lands a small body kick and misses a big right hand. Arlovski charges in and lands a good jab. Arlovski lands a good body kick but Lins counters with multiple shots near the fence. Lins lands a good overhand right as the second round ends.
10-9 Arlovski
Round 3:
Final round in this heavyweight fight is underway. Arlovski throws three kicks and none land. A huge counter right hand connects for Lins. Arlovski lands a big body kick and Lins counters with a body kick of his own. Lins and Arlovski both connect on an exchange and go back to the center. Arlovski lands a small front kick and Lins connects on a counter. Lins keeps up the pressure as Arlovski tries to maintain the distance.
Lins lands a good counter exiting the clinch.
Arlovski throws a leg kick again and Lins clinches up. The two separate as Lins lands a good inside leg kick. Arlovski lands a short left that is countered by Lins. Arlovski lands a straight right hand. Lins lands a good right hand and then slips going for a kick. Arlovski lands another leg kick with under thirty seconds to go. Another body kick lands for Arovski and the fight is over.
10-9 Arlovski