The internet (thank you Al Gore) is such an interesting place. It’s a place that fosters so many amazing things, it let’s you connect with anyone at anytime and access the answer to any question you could ever have. It’s changed my life in such a drastic way, it exposed me to the music that is apart of my everyday life. Once I was able to have the internet and the computer that could handle downloading music, it changed who I was. I was no longer a slave to the radio, staying in the car for five, ten, fifteen extra minutes, hoping they’d finally play that one song that you requested. While the internet did foster many positive things such as exposing more niche genres of music to people. It also fostered awful horrible things such as YouTube comments.
YouTube comments are like Walmart, in the sense there are only two reasons I’d ever utilize them. Either it’s out of necessity or because I just want to feel better about myself and my life. Everytime I go to Walmart and I see a 400 pound women dragging her shoeless child, I feel slightly better about where I am in my life. YouTube comments are no different, it makes me happy to know that I’m not one of these people. I don’t have a lot going for me but I’m not a “YouTube Commenter.” So there’s that.
Gaming YouTube comments are drastically worse than your run of the mill YouTube comments. As gamers are so emotionally tied to what they love, they feel the need to hate anything that isn’t what they love. As demonstrated by this perfectly-animated YouTube flame war.