MMA News

Check out Mark Coleman and Heath Herring in Pride Mode on UFC Undisputed 3

Mark Coleman fought Fedor twice in Pride, both times he was victim to one of those impossible armbars Fedor throws down on people like meter maids throw down overly expensive tickets to double parked cars. When we asked Phil Baroni about the infamous Team Hammerhouse that we so often heard in Pride FC interviews, it

Paulo Filho has been admitted to a Rio hospital due to a drug overdose

There’s not much more disheartening things to hear or read than to find out a person brimming over with talent is wasting away to the disease of drug addiction. Think of people like Curt Flood, Heath Ledger, Lawrence Taylor and Amy Winehouse. So much talent and potential eaten away by an ugly cancerous addiction to drugs. To watch athletes especially

Dismissing the myth that kickboxing is dying

[div class=”notice” class2=”icon”]The following is from an article on, part of the MiddleEasy Network.[/div] With the K-1 WGP Final 16 being cancelled, making this the first year in K-1’s existence without a World Grand Prix, many are throwing around the misconception that Kickboxing is dying. The statement couldn’t be any more false. It’s a

10th Planet’s Scottie Epstein talks about ‘Never Back Down 2’

Over last year’s Christmas holiday, I found myself trapped in a hotel in Amsterdam called ‘Citizen M,’ snowed in and methodically watching ‘Never Back Down’ translated in Dutch. I never knew who Amber Heard was until that night. I remained snowed in for two days and completely neglected MiddleEasy. There’s something about being trapped in

Watch what CNN has to say about women in MMA

Sometimes I sit back and arrive at the conclusion that the entire Middle East just needs to let some things go. I watched CNN today and aside a big pool of blood was a pan of french fries being cooked over the grill. I don’t know if those fries were for the former alive guy

Peter Aerts set to fight in Japan on December 11th

[div class=”notice” class2=”icon”]The following is from an article on, part of the MiddleEasy Network.[/div] With the recent reports of the K-1 World Grand Prix Final 16 in Nanjing being cancelled for October 29th, Mr. K-1 himself, Peter Aerts, has opted to take a fight against 46 year old Japanese heavyweight Mr. KAMIKAZE. Aerts hasn’t

Check out The Finest Hour: UFC 138, Director’s Cut, exclusive to MiddleEasy

Remember when you guys were complaining that our video player didn’t support iPads and iPhones? Yeah, those were the days. Back when everyone thought Mark Kerr was the greatest heavyweight to ever grace Pride FC and UFC. Well, maybe not that far back. Regardless, those days are over and you can stop complaining. You guys

Chael Sonnen had another epic appearance on Jim Rome today

Chael Sonnen may very well be the first fighter to ever be sponsored by FOX News and all of you saw it coming. He nicknamed his fists ‘Fair’ and ‘Balanced’. Actually, I can’t take credit for that one. Josh Gross from Sports Illustrated somehow outwitted me one night — and I swear it will never happen again.

The controversial Rousimar Palhares at 2011 ADCC

[div class=”notice” class2=”icon”]The following is from an article on DstryrSG, part of the MiddleEasy Network.[/div] f you listened to us, you paid your 25 bucks and watched the ADCC finals a few weeks ago. If so, we’re positive you’re better for it. You saw some amazing grappling competition. You’re well versed in topics such as

Dana White ranks #38 in AskMen’s Top 49 Men in 2011

The fact that Dana White throws verbal ninja stars at anyone in his vicinity shouldn’t surprise you. If this news has startled you, we suggest you go back and look at every recorded interview White has done in the last five years. Hopefully you may run across Technoviking in your search and he will steer you

Wait, there’s still more Anderson Silva and Justin Bieber fun to go around…

Here’s your Brazilian cultural lesson for today: If you call someone a ‘Mamma’s Boy’, you better back it up by dancing around for the next ten minutes. That’s the only way your insult can fully be realized. In Brazil, all personal and family insults are accompanied with a dance number. That’s how Carnival gets started

It’s true, Jorge Santiago has been cut from the UFC

Let me be the first to say if Jorge Santiago fought Misaki for the rest of his MMA career, I would be perfectly fine with it. We don’t need belts, just headline the seventeen One FC cards with Misaki vs. Santiago. That’s all I’m asking. After grabbing his second L in the UFC in 2011,

Silviu Vulc’s sambo pummel to takedown and neck crank

[div class=”notice” class2=”icon”]The following is from an article on DstryrSG, part of the MiddleEasy Network.[/div] I find that Sambo is a perfect compliment to MMA, with its integration of takedowns/throws and submission grappling. Although Sambo is often underutilized, you yourself could easily implement these techniques into your game. Check out Sambo master Silviu Vulc training