Tyson Fury Dethrones Deontay Wilder In 7th Round To Win WBC Heavyweight Title
The rematch the world has been waiting for has arrived. Tyson Fury (29-0-1) looks to dethrone heavyweight champ Deontay Wilder (48-0-1). Their first fight ended in a controversial draw, creating a lone blemish on each fighter’s record.
Round 1:
The heavyweight championship rematch is underway as Deontay Wilder and Tyson Fury meet in the center of the ring. Wilder lands the first jab as Fury looks to add pressure. Wilder lands a nice right hand as Wilder lands a jab to the body. Wilder lands a big right that pushes Fury back towards the ropes. Fury comes back with an overhand right. Fury lands a good right and starts to tee off. Fury lands another good jab as Wilder is still looking to find his range. Fury lands a good left and follows it with a strong jab.
10-9 Fury
Round 2:
Round two begins and Wilder opens with a jab. Wilder lands a good shot to the body. Fury lands another good jab as Wilder continues to go to the body. Wilder lands a huge right hand and follows it with a jab to the body. Wilder lands another good jab to the body and Fury counters with the same strike. Fury lands a good right hand and the two clinch up. The ref splits them up and Wilder lands a good right hand. Fury with another strong left jab and follows it with a big overhand right. Wilder lands a good left but Fury quickly counters with a strong right as the round comes to an end.
10-9 Fury
Round 3:
The third round starts and Wilder goes back to the body with a jab. Fury returns the favor with a strong body shot. Fury lands a big right hand behind the jab. Fury lands a big right again as Wilder looks to counter. Fury lands a big overhand right and the two clinch up. Wilder lands a good jab but Fury lands a good shot in the pocket. Fury lands another strong jab and follows it with a sweeping right hand. Tyson lands a jab again as the fighters clinch up. Wilder lands a huge right hand and knocks Wilder to the canvas. Wilder beats the count and Fury lands another big right. Wilder slips again but it is not ruled a knockdown. Wilder stumbles as the round ends.
10-9 Fury
Round 4:
The fourth round begins and the ref warns both fighters for exchanges in the clinch. Fury misses on an overhand right and Wilder gets tangled up and slips. Fury lands a huge shot to the body and follows it with a bigger body shot. Wilder lands a right hand and they clinch up again. Wilder lands a good left jab as Fury comes in. They clinch up again and are separated. Wilder lands a good right cross and Fury answers with a left. Wilder lands a right hand that Fury counters with an uppercut as the round ends.
10-9 Fury
Round 5:
Fifth round starts and Fury lands a huge right. Wilder goes back against the ropes and Fury begins to tee off. Wilder wraps up and Fury begins to land shots in the pocket. Fury lands another straight as the two clinch up again. Fury lands a huge body shot that sends Wilder to the canvas again. Wilder beats the count as Fury lands another big right hand. Fury continues to land big shots as Wilder tries to recover. The ref deducts one point from Fury for a shot getting out of the clinch. Fury lands another strike as the round comes to an end.
Round 6:
The sixth round begins and Fury lands a big right hand. Fury follows it with multiple body shots against the ropes. The two clinch up again and are separated. Fury lands a right hand to the body. Fury lands another shot to the head and Wilder counters with a right hand. Fury lands another left and then a right to the body. Fury continues to tee off but Wilder lands a good right hand counter. Fury lands another left as Wilder continues to back up. The two clinch up against the ropes again and the ref separates them. The round ends with another big shot from Fury
10-9 Fury
Round 7:
The seventh round begins and Wilder lands a jab. Fury continues the pressure and lands another left. Fury lands a good jab as Wilder connects to the body. Fury lands a good one two to the head and body. Wilder lands a nice right hand as the fighters clinch up again. Fury lands a jab to the body and then a big right hand. Fury lands another strike and the ref calls the fight.
Official Result: Tyson Fury defeats Deontay Wilder by KO (Round 7, 1:39)
Check the highlights below:
Stream #WilderFury2 on ESPN+ ▶️ https://t.co/mqDaw58TJa pic.twitter.com/TZZuYqEfPN
— ESPN (@espn) February 23, 2020
Stream #WilderFury2 on ESPN+ ➡️ https://t.co/T5DcIJNxFd pic.twitter.com/Y5UyGDAwbc
— ESPN (@espn) February 23, 2020
THE GYPSY KING IS THE KING OF BOXING! 👑#WilderFury2 pic.twitter.com/3qDbApeXsH
— ESPN (@espn) February 23, 2020
Tyson Fury licked Deontay Wilder's neck 😮
Stream #WilderFury2 on ESPN+ ▶️ https://t.co/mqDaw58TJa pic.twitter.com/DfriGkwcSR
— ESPN (@espn) February 23, 2020
Ouch 💥 #WilderFury2 pic.twitter.com/SaoC7UBqxN
— SportsCenter (@SportsCenter) February 23, 2020
THE ONE TRUE KING, TYSON FURY! 👑 #WilderFury2 pic.twitter.com/u2KKtAYs1S
— SportsCenter (@SportsCenter) February 23, 2020
“I just wish that my corner would’ve let me go out on my shield. I’m a warrior. That’s what I do.”
Deontay Wilder after losing to Tyson Fury. #WilderFury2 pic.twitter.com/5QpChJgjK8
— ESPN (@espn) February 23, 2020