The highly-anticipated exhibition boxing match between Floyd Mayweather and Logan Paul is taking place now (Sat, June 6, 2021) in Miami, Florida.
Round 1
Paul is smiling early on as both fighters are slow to meet each other. Mayweather blocks a jab and pulls away from another attempted strike by Paul. Mayweather lands a body shot and feints soon after as he’s starting to get cocky. Mayweather ducks an overhand right as they momentarily clinch up. Mayweather partially catches Paul as the latter goes for a body shot. Paul punches Mayweather on the break of a clinch. Paul starts to unload as the round ends but Mayweather shells up and blocks everything.
Round 2
Mayweather is starting to advance early this round. Paul continues to throw a number of jabs. Paul attempts a combination but Mayweather avoids every strike. Paul continues with another blitz but Mayweather has things in control as he continues to duck and weave. Mayweather lands a strong jab to the body. The round comes to an end.
Round 3
Paul opens the round sweatier and seemingly gassed. However, he almost lands an uppercut on Mayweather who was nearly crouched on the ropes. A lot of clinching in this round, notably from Paul. Mayweather is smiling during these clinch exchanges. Mayweather is seemingly looking to end things as he puts the pressure but misses a right hand. Mayweather is marching forward and lands a big left hook. Paul is holding on to Mayweather as the round ends.
Round 4
Mayweather starts the round with a big left hook. Paul looks to land but misses all his strikes. Mayweather continues to march forward as Paul holds on to him and misses all his thrown strikes. Paul misses an uppercut. Mayweather lands a counter right and follows it up with a big left hook. Paul has his hands down which leads to him eating another right from Mayweather who continues to walk him down. Paul does well to duck a right hand. Mayweather looks to end things but Paul does well to survive the round.
Round 5
Paul starts this round with a number of jabs but it’s nothing that’s troubling Mayweather. Mayweather lands a body shot but Paul is still fighting. Mayweather lands a left hook. It looks like the fight might be ending soon. Paul seems to be hurt badly to his belly. He goes for broke but Mayweather lands a counter uppercut. Both fighters clinch up with a minute remaining in this round. Mayweather tags Paul with a right hand. The round ends with Mayweather walking him down.
Round 6
It’s more of the same this round as Paul continues to get walked down. Mayweather lands a big body shot. Paul looks to hold on to Mayweather for dear life before they’re separated. It’s more of the same as Paul initiates multiple clinches. Mayweather lands another body shot. Mayweather leads with a left hook and starts to get extra aggressive. They clinch up to end the round.
Round 7
More clinching in this round but Paul isn’t giving up without a fight as he is throwing much more than he did in the last round. Mayweather applies more pressure than expected on Paul’s head as they’re clinched up which leads to the pair getting a bit heated. The action continues but again, it’s more of the same with Mayweather attacking the body while Paul misses his big strikes. Somehow, we’ve reached the final round.
Round 8
Paul attempts a body shot but Mayweather gets out of the way. Paul starts talking to Mayweather and smiling. The fans are starting to boo as they expected a knockout by now. Paul attempts to land but misses and it’s more of the same as far as the hugging is going. Paul appears to be putting everything he has left in the final minute of this exhibition fight. Paul is now closing the space but Mayweather gets out of danger. Paul ends things by talking to Mayweather and pointing at the time.
Official result: There is no official result or judging for this as it’s an exhibition.
Check out the highlights below: