After weeks of a heated build-up, Gervonta Davis clashed with Ryan Garcia in the headlining fight at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Gervonta Davis vs Ryan Garcia
Round 1: Garcia opens with a series of jabs to the guard. Garcia on the front foot here. Garcia goes to the body. Davis is feeling Garcia out, not a lot of output. Double jab from Garcia and a hook grazes Davis.
Round 2: Davis slips a jab. Garcia lands a huge shot and looks to capitalize. He goes for a right hand and Davis clinches. Garcia keeps he pressure high. Short left hook from Garcia. They get in close range and Garcia lands two. Uppercut from Garcia. Huge left from Tank drops Garcia. Garcia gets up and they continue.
Round 3: Garcia being the aggressor. He’s keeping orange with his jab. Davis slowly moves to the front and misses an overhand left. They both stay at distance while trying to land strikes. Tank gets a jab. He’s getting on the front foot. Straight left from Tank and a left to the body. Right hand from Garcia.
Round 4: Garcia gets on the front foot. He gets a left hook to the body. Another one. Jab from Tank. Garcia gets a light right hook in. Left for Tank land. Garcia’s left hook keeps going over the top of Davis’ head. Nice right hand from Garcia. Left to the body by Tank. Tank clinches and Garcia tries to strike at the end.
Round 5: Garcia goes to the body with a jab. Left from Tank right on the nose. Tank gets aggressive. He connects with a body shot. They kinda spin around after Davis gets a hold of Garcia. Garcia jabs to the body.
Round 6: Garcia presses. He jabs to the body. They get in close distance. Nice right hand an uppercut from Garcia. Tank fires back. Garcia lands a straight right. Left hook to the body by Garcia and Davis fires one back. Davis to thee body and another left to the body. Tank steps in with a jab. Garcia misses with a counter right. Garcia lands a right. Jab from Garcia and big left from Tank. Tank hits a left to the body. Uppercut from Garcia to the body.
Round 7: Garcia jabs and gets a big right hand in. Big left from Tank. Nice left hook from Garcia gets in. Nice left hand and right hook by Garcia. Davis lands a body shot and gets the finish.
Official Result: Gervonta Davis defeats Ryan Garcia by knockout (R7, 1:44).