Coming off a quick first-round win in his last outing, Jack Della Maddalena took on Bassil Hafez in the co-main event of UFC on ESPN 49 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
UFC 290: Jack Della Maddalena vs Bassil Hafez
Round 1
Hafez shoots for a takedown and gets it. Maddalena looking for the guillotine. Hafez defends and keeps position. JDM gets up and Hafez drags him down. JDM gets up again with Hafez keeping his arms wrapped. He takes JDM’s back. JDM being pinned against the fence. Hafez lands an elbow on the break. Nice left hand for JDM. Nice low kick from JDM sends Hafez down. JDM connects with a big left hand and an uppercut that seems to rock Hafez. Hafez drags him down and takes top position. They return to the feet. JDM lands a cracking right and a 1-2 and left hand. JDM landing good shots trading in the pocket. Hafez shoots for a takedown and pins JDM against the cage. They separate and Haafez lands a right on the break. Nice left hook and right from JDM. Hafez returns a big right hook. He takes JDM down and takes top. Hafez in half guard looking for the arm triangle.
Round 2
Hafez shoots and JDM fights it off well. Hafez lands a big right hand and goes to the body. Body kick from Hafez. Spinning backfist from Hafez. JDM jabs. Big left hand and right from Hafez. JDM fires one left hand back. They trade big strikes in the pocket. Hafez shoots for the double leg and JDM defends well. He pins JDM off the fence. Body shot and uppercut from JDM. Uppercut from Hafez. Huge body shots from JDM get a big reaction from Hafez. Hafez shoots and gives up his neck. JDM goes for the guillotine. Hafez is on top advancing position. Hafez is working on the arm triangle. Hafez keeps him down in half guard.
Round 3
Big left hook from Hafez. Nice left from JDM. Jab from JDM. Hafez feints and goes for a takedown. He pins JDM against the cage. JDM turns and gets out. JDM lands a cracking left hand. Big right hand from JDM rocks Hafez. Left hook from JDM and he gets to working on the body. He keeps digging to the body and three punch combo on the button by JDM. Hafez is exhausted. He shoots for a takedown and doesn’t get it. JDM keeps working at the body and connects with huge shots to the heads. Multiple punch combinations from JDM have Hafez in trouble. Hafez goes down and JDM takes his back looking for a submission. Hafez reverses and gets on top. JDM almost had an armor. Hafez keeps grappling as they get back up. They separate. Hafez shoots again immediately. JDM tries to get a submission but doesn’t.
Official Result: Jack Della Maddalena defeats Bassil Hafez by split decision (28-29, 29-28, 29-28).
Check out the highlights below:
Your co-main came to fight 😳 #UFCVegas77
— UFC (@ufc) July 16, 2023
After a crazy back and forth match…
JDM takes the split decision at #UFCVegas77!
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Dug deep to get the win 😤
JDM still unbeaten inside the Octagon! #UFCVegas77
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