Scientists of MiddleEasy, we need YOU!

Put into the right context, science journalism is the most exciting reading anyone can find and science/nature documentaries are reaching incredible new heights in popularity. We’re slowly coming back into an era where scientists and educators are getting the recognition they deserve. We’re not quite at the stage where Neil DeGrass Tyson can crowdsurf after giving an hour-long lecture, but we’re getting there. We know that the readers of are sometimes derided, just as the website itself is, but we also know that our readers are amongst some of the smartest. My science has been corrected so many times in the comments section that I’ve had to pull out textbooks and up my game. Which gave me an idea…

As many of you may know, before Zeus created MiddleEasy and started writing about MMA for people who stay awake all night to watch MMA (which by the way includes anyone in the UK who wants to watch live UFC) he was a PhD student interested in the physics of multiple dimensions as well as existential, post-structural and post-modern philosophy. That’s why opening the site to more science and technology focused articles was a natural progression. I too have a background in science, albeit in a less cerebrally demanding field and now predominantly write about these things. Naturally, both Zeus and I and interested in advances in scientific research and we want to hear from YOU – if you are currently a final year student working on a thesis or dissertation or are currently involved in carrying out scientific research.

We are working on a new feature for which will involve featuring the real work of our readers. If you want to talk to us about your research and your field in general then get in touch with me through [email protected] or reach out on Twitter and I’ll get back to you. We know you guys are some of the smartest MMA fans on the planet, let us show the world just how smart you are.

Published on February 19, 2014 at 9:53 pm
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