Recently the Playstation store had a sale. One of the games on sale for a dollar was Telltale’s Back to the Future. I picked it up on the recommendation of both Jason Nawara and Dave Walsh. After all it was only a dollar and even though I knew I might not play it, I wanted to feel like a PC gamer. I’ve always yearned to know what it feels like to have a gaming PC during a Steam Sale. I yearn to know what it’s like to have a catalog of games that I bought for dirt cheap and have never touched. So this was my chance, I caved and did what I always wanted to do.
I still haven’t played Back to the Future and well… I still haven’t seen any of the Back to the Future movies in one sitting. I’ve seen them on TV here and there but I’ve never seen one start to finish. I’m not opposed to it, it’s just something that’s never happened. Oddly enough, after watching all the mistakes in it, my urge to watch it has only risen.