Your day is not complete until you see this Anderson Silva vs. Chael Sonnen rap video

Can we just cancel the internet for the day and give these two guys the 2012 internet award for the greatest friggin’ thing ever? Seriously, Google, Facebook — it’s time to shut down for the remainder of the afternoon. Nothing in this universe will even come close to the epicness of this Anderson Silva vs. Chael Sonnen rap video. In fact, MiddleEasy should just stop producing content for this Monday in honor of this ‘gangsta’ rap video. Granted, all of this is just a way for me to expunge my responsibilities for the rest of the day so I can sit in my living room and stare at my wall until I go to sleep.

Welcome Pat “Banana Hands” Burner and Tucker Betts as your new MMA parody overlords. You’ve undoubtedly seen one of these guys before in that — one video. I’m sure I’ve seen this guy before, but I could be completely making it up in my cognition. Who knows, the human brain is a strange place. Enjoy.

Published on June 25, 2012 at 6:52 pm
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