I have to start this intro with a confession. I have never actually watched a real episode of the Tosh O. show. I told my brother this last night and he gasped and then mentally regressed back to the Catholic Sunday School days of our youth and started reenacting the singing of ominous church hymns while intermittently standing and then kneeling in front of his couch like it was a church pew. He suggested I go before a priest, confess my sins and then probably do a few ‘Our Fathers’ and ‘Hail Marys’ and then I might be spared from an afterlife in purgatory. I had no idea that not watching Tosh O. had been added to the ‘mortal sin list’. Luckily, my ignorance to the sinful nature of my behavior gives me an out. I have no excuse for masturbation, fornication or drunkenness though.
After my brother’s ‘Hail Mary full of grace’ flashback freak-out, I checked out the Tosh O. blog. I am now overcome with a sense of guilt that I’ve missed out on so much fantastic politically incorrect and offensive humor. That’s probably just my Catholic guilt syndrome kicking in again though. At least I can make up for lost time now by watching the show and funny edited clips of the show like this one from Freefights4u on Youtube that features a Tosh O breakdown of upcoming Bisping Rivera fight. The original episode is a Krav Maga guy fighting some street punk, but this one is just as funny and a great promo for UFC 127 this weekend. Check it out: