Watch James Toney wrestle the microphone from Ariel Helwani

In reality, Ariel Helwani is the undisputed scrappiest guy in MMA journalism. I’ve personally seen this guy elbow, push and hold his ground against guys that would, under any other circumstance, devour him with a side coleslaw. That’s why he’s earned a slot as one of the greatest MMA journalists and if anyone denies that, you only wish you had a gig like his. That is, until James Toney gets in your face, rips the microphone away and tells you that you ask ‘stupid questions’. Despite having yet another confrontation with Lights Out, Ariel Helwani holds his ground and for that he earns all available props floating around for today. [Source]

Published on August 27, 2010 at 2:49 pm
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