Wanderlei wants Cung Le to thank him for breaking his nose

Most of you are experiencing the worst MMA hangover you’ve [b]ever[/b]had from a weekend of amazing fights.  We are too.  I’m actually not even here right now… My computer is on autopilot and these articles are writing themselves.  Unfortunately, every time Wanderlei wins, I’m forced to go to Ikea to replace the coffee table that becomes a celebratory trampoline, and this Monday morning is no different.  Wanderlei Silva handed Cung Le a vicious defeat by exhibiting the ability to evade a first round spinning-San-Shou onslaught.  This may be the first time the Axe Murder ever backed-up in a fight, counterpunching his way to a win.  After all these years, people still evolve – finding new ways to win.  It’s what makes the sport great, and Ikea that much wealthier at my expense.

In his post fight interview with Karyn Bryant, Silva talks about his victory, and goes as far to say that Cung Le should thank him for breaking his nose, because now he’ll look more like a real fighter in his movie career.  By that rational, Ronda Rousey has to step her post-fight-interview-game up after disfiguring her opponents.  Just kidding, don’t do that Ronda… It’s probably not the best idea.

Published on November 21, 2011 at 5:42 pm
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