On the second episode of Dana White’s Tuesday Night Contender series, the world was introduced to 22 year knockout machine Sean O’Malley. The MMA Lab product O’Malley might be the first true breakout star from the show. After a sensational first round knockout of Edmond Tarverdyan trained Alfred Khashakyan, “Afro” O’Malley hit all the right notes in his post-fight interview. Check it out along with his massive highlight knockout.
Easy money.
Listening to Sean O’Malley make sound effects as he watches his highlight reel just reminds me that this guy is only 22. His potential is so massive. But telling Laura Sanko his knockout was easy? Showing hints of the Diaz Bros. by implying wrestling in an MMA fight is a bitch move? Telling Dana White “welcome to the sugar show”? This kid might be the funniest 22 year old alive.
So, how do you cap off a life changing performance like that? Thanks to the magic of the SnoopCast alternative audio for DWTNCS, all “Young” O’Malley had to do is give Snoop Dogg a shout out in cage, and suddenly he was in their audio booth. Unsurprisingly, Snoop was already a huge fan.
Helena's Sean O'Malley (@SugaSeanMMA) with the first round KO!!! Next stop UFC. (Snoop Dogg commentary is legendary.) pic.twitter.com/pMYnCjqCuA
— Tom Wylie (@WylieTom) July 19, 2017
After Snoop Dogg immortalizes your name into the pantheon of MMA like that, you’ve already had the best MMA day ever.
Apparently, if Snoop Dogg loves your knockout on DWTNCS, you earn entry into Snoop’s after party. O’Malley took full advantage.