This Amoussou vs. Baker trailer is the first Bellator fan-made promo we’ve ever seen

I’ve joined Alcoholics Anonymous because I want to start a collection of non-edible chips. That’s all I have for today. Come back tomorrow for another thought that was spawned while I craftily yanked a booger from my nose in such a careful way as to not break it at any point. You have to admit, once you’ve successfully extracted a booger in its entirety — it’s quite the masterpiece. Sitting there, dangling on your index finger, you can’t help but stare while you attempt to compare it to something you’ve already seen before. Perhaps it resembles the bust of René Descartes, 17th-century mathematician-philosopher, that died at the ripe age of 53. Back in the 1600s, living to your fifties was seen as a great accomplishment. It showed people that you had enough money to eat, knew how to avoid killer plagues, and most importantly, you knew how to count all the way to fifty.

As of this morning, Karl Amoussou is exactly half the age of René Descartes. However unlike Descrates, Amoussou calculates how to effectively remove people’s consciousness with his fists. I’m sure he would be seen as some sort of violent deity back in the 17th century that prayed on the blood of aristocrats across the country of France.

You guys should just watch this trailer of Karl Amoussou and Bryan Baker, perhaps the world’s first fan-made Bellator promo. Otherwise, I could go on all day with slamming these fingers on my keyboard and producing sentences. [Source]
Published on May 25, 2012 at 8:05 pm
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