There needs to be a greater outrage with the amount of baseball plays that are selected for ESPN Sportscenter’s Top Ten list. It gives viewers a gross misconception that the MLB is actually cooler than what it really is. Let’s face it, the only reason to watch baseball is if it’s October and you want to find a good reason to bet your November mortgage on Alex Rodriguez (you will be let down, trust me). Where was Zoila Frausto’s remarkable KO of Rosi Sexton at Bellator last week? Ah, that’s right. A guy catching a ball takes precedence over one of the greatest upsets in Women’s MMA history. At least Gerald Harris’ power-slam KO of David Branch made the list this week. It’s a start.
And for those that would like to relive the Gerald Harris power-slam moment in an infinite loop, your wish has been granted. Check out Joe Silva and Joe Rogan’s face for the payoff.