Surprise, Michael Bisping thinks Dan Henderson will defeat Shogun Rua at UFC 139

This morning, perched atop my pad in Hollywood, I sat near my windowsill and was affixed on two dogs attempting to have sex outside. From what I could see, it appeared that a havanese repeatedly attempted to mount a mastiff, which was easily quadruple his size. That dog, man, no force on this planet could has stopped this little havanese from going at it. He tried every part of the mastiff’s body, any place, just to satisfy his sexual urge. As far as the mastiff, he just stood there, unaffected by his canine groupie.

People, I watched this go on for over a half-hour before I realized I need to get back to the computer and write this article of Michael Bisping choosing Dan Henderson to defeat Shogun Rua at UFC 139.

Just before UFC 100, this guy I know named CJ bet $100.00 on Bisping to defeat Dan Henderson because he played UFC Undisputed the night before and crushed Henderson in a unanimous decision. He used a videogame to justify his gambling addiction. That’s actually sort of baller. He also claimed that ‘Stanky Leg‘ was the best rap song ever made. That’s the exact opposite of baller. If you listen to a song that begins with ‘Stanky’, you’re just setting yourself up for disappointment. Somewhere in-between my friend CJ promoting the worst song ever made and dropping $100 at Las Vegas bookie, Bisping got knocked out at UFC 100. But not the normal knock out that LL Cool J was talking about. Bisping traveled to the 8th dimension. In fact, it took him months to even make a public statement about the fight.

We caught up with Bisping to get his take on UFC 139, and he tells us that he wants Dan Henderson to defeat Shogun Rua in order to justify his loss to the former Strikeforce light heavyweight champion.

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Published on November 15, 2011 at 4:14 pm
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