Just when you thought Roy Jones was out the picture, in a moment of sheer fucking awesomeness, Nick Diaz says that he’ll go toe to toe with Roy Jones Jr. in an MMA event! Sit back in your chair, close your eyes and imagine the amount of shit talking that would occur during this fight. Just imagine, I’ll wait here…
Done? Now how can this not possibly be the rawest fight this year? Nick Diaz is so ballsy that if Roy Jones in somehow went for the takedown, (which has a smaller chance than Dana White letting Kimbo Slice fight in the UFC) Nick Diaz would make it a pure stand up war. We all remember the Shamrock/Diaz fight which started off by Nick Diaz giving Frank a giant middle ‘F u’ finger in front of the cameras. The most amazing part is that he just continued the shit slinging even when he was in the cage. Dude didnt shut up once AND he backed it up by destroying and sending the living legend, Frank Shamrock into retirement. You can hate Diaz, but the dude is raw and he backs it up.
But Roy Jones! Roy friggin Jones! What needs to be said about Roy Jones that already hasnt been said about the hydrogen bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Dude is explosive. If you doubt that, listen to his debut hiphop album ‘Round One’ with unforgettable songs like ‘Ya’ll musta forgot!’. I would slaughter three of my neighbor’s cats to witness this fight.