Rousey and Browne Have No Need To Stock Up
While everyone is rushing to grocery stores and stocking up on food, hand sanitizers and toilet paper due to the coronavirus outbreak, Ronda Rousey has everything she needs on her farm.
The former UFC women’s bantamweight champion posted a tongue-in-cheek video about her and husband Travis Browne’s panic shopping list which was nonexistent.
That’s because they have all the meat, eggs, fruits, vegetables, water and power they need already stocked up in their farm. Rousey’s main goal behind the video was to shed light on how important self-sustainability is.
“Our coronavirus panic shopping list is: Nonexistent. It’s no secret I’ve been a proud preppier for years- but let’s all learn from this pandemic panic and be a little more self sufficient and prepared in the future. Taking steps to live sustainably takes time
but ultimately saves money, permanently eliminates water and power bills, reduces our carbon footprint, and is just plain healthier. We started @browsey_acres with just a compost bin and a few boxes of @soylent, which then became just a small herb garden,
then a full garden (admittedly still under construction) then a few chickens, then a few more chickens (and ducks!), then a whole steer, then a solar roof, then a water catchment system. Start small! Just start! Let’s stop panicking and start preparing! Stay safe out there and #StayRowdyMyFriends!”
As is the case with social media, some took offense to Rousey’s video which prompted a video response from her, mainly about how living self-sufficiently can be affordable as she provided a tutorial.
“I noticed from feedback on my post yesterday (that was supposed to be humorous but many people have no sense of humor) promoting living sustainably and self sufficiently that there is a misconception that it takes a lot of money to get started – but it’s quite the opposite!! Even if you’re broke living in an apartment it’s possible to start small and let the savings add up to expand your methods of self sufficiency!
One of the easiest ways to start is planting your grocery scraps! Follow @browsey_acres for more tips on how to reduce your expenses and make progress with us towards living 100% sustainably!”
Are you inspired to live more self-sustainably after seeing Rousey’s videos?