My days of slapping anything out of anyone’s anything mostly consisted of friday night girl fights in the $1 movie theater parking lot in Willoughby Hills, Ohio. As much as I want to claim how hardcore and hood it was to grow up in that area and act like those fights were necessary for survival, I can’t because everyone knows any place that includes ‘Hills’ in the name is about as gangster as Drake aka Aubrey from Degrassi High. Still though, I did have to take a few choice females to ‘Smack a B****’ University on a couple of occassions. One of them might have made the MiddleEasy Lessons in Street MMA hall of fame due to an effective trichtillomaniacal takedown manuever through a car window and then soccer kicks to the head for the win. What can I say, Pride inspired me back in those days.
Ronda Rousey plans to lay the slap down on a few females too, but she is going to do it the professional mma way. First she has a fight coming up with Julia Budd this Friday night at Strikeforce Challengers and after that she is focused on her desire to make Miesha Tate pay for claiming via Twitter she could beat Ronda. check out this interview with Ariel Helwani where Ronda let’s is be known she plans on ‘slapping the title right out of Miesha Tate’s hands’. [source]