History is in the making.
In the co-main event of Bellator 297, Patricio Pitbull looks to become a three-division champion when he meets the returning Bellator Bantamweight Champion Sergio Pettis.
Round 1:
Pitbull lands a multiple leg kicks on the champ. Pettis fires off a crisp combo to the head of Pitbull. Pitbull lands a body kick to which Pettis returns with one of his own. Pitbull takes down Pettis with ease. Pitbull seizes the back of Pettis on the ground. Pettis works his way up to his feet. Pettis goes for a headkick that just misses. Pitbull catches Pettis with a right hand. Both men are very hesitant to throw strikes in the final seconds of the round.
CDS: 10-9 Pitbull
Round 2:
Pettis lands a great combo to begin the round. Pettis eats leg kicks from Pitbull. Both Pettis and Pitbull don’t throw too much in the middle of the round. Pettis finally engages with some strikes. Pitbull lands a crisp hook and then a jumping knee. Pettis punches the body of pitfall. Pettis lands a teep kick before Pitbull goes for a takedown which Pettis stuffs. Pettis lands a picture-perfect spinning wheel kick that rocks Pitbull at the end of the round.
CDS: 10-9 Pettis
Round 3:
Pettis pours on the pressure on Pitbull with strikes. Pitbull tries for a takedown but is denied by Pettis. Pettis works the jab over and over again. Pitbull gets off a few punches in return. Pettis goes for a 1-2 and then follows it up with a headkick which is blocked by Pitbull. Pettis jabs up Pitbull and unloads a punch to the body. Pitbull lands a crisp jab and cross.
Pitbull lands a right hand but Pettis counters with a few punches of his own. 20 seconds to go in the round, Pitbull grabs a takedown on Pettis. Pitbull finishes the round on top.
CDS: 10-9 Pettis
Round 4:
The champ and challenger are very inactive in the first two minutes of the round. Pettis fires a punch to the body while Pitbull looks for a takedown (which he doesn’t get). Pitbull again goes for a takedown, this time against the cage, but Pettis shuts down the attempt with superb defense. Pettis and Pitbull trade in the pocket before Pitbull tries for a takedown, stuffed by Pettis. Pettis lands a fierce front kick to the face of Pitbull.
CDS: 10-9 Pettis
Round 5:
Pettis fires off a jab. Pettis goes for a flying knee that just misses on the entering Pitbull. Pitbull lands a right hand. Pettis pulls off a fast combo on the Brazilian. Pitbull lands a 1-2. Pettis cracks Pitbull with punches. Pettis’ jab lands effectively. Pitbull puts his foot on the gas pedal with one minute to go. Pettis stuns Pitbull with a great right hand. The fight ends with a flashy display of missed kicks.
CDS: 10-9 Pettis (total score: 49-46 Pettis)
Official result: Sergio Pettis defeats Patricio Pitbull by unanimous decision (49-46, 50-45, 50-45)
Check out the highlights below:
The first big move of the fight! 👀
— Bellator MMA (@BellatorMMA) June 17, 2023
A takedown from @PatricioPitbull against the champion.#Bellator297 LIVE NOW:
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