Nothing on this planet is better than this MMA highlight reel, not even sex

Yep, this really is the greatest MMA highlight the world has ever seen

Whenever Machinemen makes a highlight reel, it seems as if all other highlight reels cower in their respective corners. Genius is an understatement. I’m sure when all is said and done, the History Channel will be using this guy’s highlight reels to tell the story of how MMA brought world peace on this planet — because we all know that nothing brings people together like a human being smashing the face of another human being, regardless of nationality.

In reality, when the Sun withers away and Earth eventually dies, let’s hope future archeologists uncover this Machinemen highlight reel so that future civilizations can truly know how bad ass of a species humans were. Check out the new highlight entitled ‘You vs. Them,’ another masterpiece from Machinemen and be amazed.

Published on February 11, 2013 at 8:00 pm
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