A welterweight contest between Vicente Luque and Geoff Neal is taking place now (Saturday, August 6, 2022) at UFC Vegas 59.
Round 1
Luque with an early leg kick. Both fighters throw body kicks. Neal lands a left. They both connect in the pocket. Neal wobbles Luque with a big left! Neal goes for the kill as Luque shells up and manages to stay on his feet. Luque has recovered and continues to put the pressure. Neal lands another left. Luque attempts a flying knee. Neal connects with two lefts in succession. Luque with a front kick to the body. Luque is caught off balance with a jab. Neal hurts Luque with another counter left! Neal is the one advancing and manages to knock Luque down now. Luque survives and that’s all he can do for the remainder of the round as he gets wobbled again with a left to end the first stanza.
Round 2
Luque with some kicks early. Most of them are blocked by Neal though. This is a much better round from Luque who is connecting with front kicks to the body. Neal trips Luque after a single leg. Luque back to his feet but is clinched up against the fence. Luque separates and lands two body shots. He follows it up with a big leg kick. Neal shoots again but Luque defends this time. Neal lands a left and avoids some strikes from Luque to end the round.
Round 3
Luque partially lands a body kick. Neal is going back to his first round as he lands a couple of big lefts. Luque lands a leg kick but eats another left that wobbles him. Neal unloads with uppercuts. Luque fights back but is eventually knocked out for the first time in his career after a left from Neal!
Official Result: Geoff Neal defeats Vicente Luque via knockout (R3, 2:01).