Matt Mitrione discusses the transition from the NFL to MMA

My God this possible lack of an NFL season. I swear if players aren’t running drills with their proper coaches looking on by July 5th, I’m going to just break down completely. Full mental shut down.

For some, the middle of summer is purely baseball season. Not for me. By mid July I have already run upwards of fifty fantasy football mock drafts. I’m reading the notes. I’m doing the research. I’m living a beautiful life. Unfortunately, a bunch of old white men chewing gum want to take away my mockdrafts, leaving me rudderless and without a tradition.

Everywhere I turn I am reminded of sweet, sweet football. It haunts me. Now this Fox Sports clip is all up in my face discussing Matt Mitrione’s transition from the NFL to MMA. As much as it pained me to be reminded of a love that may or may not be delayed this year, I watched it and I think you should give it a look. It’s informative and it makes me even more excited for Mitrione’s upcoming fight against Christian Morecraft this Saturday on Versus. It also made me want training camp to start.


Published on June 22, 2011 at 3:21 am
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