If you were unable to catch KSW 17’s live stream (which only cost $2.12), then you missed an unexpectedly and thoroughly entertaining card magically placed on your computer monitor all the way from Lodz, Poland. As always, KSW’s production ranked somewhere in the range of ‘seizure-inducing amazing.’ Through KSW, Polish hip-hop taught me that life is tough in Eastern Europe and the only way to survive is to wear hoodies and pat each other on the back. These are the ways of the streets. It’s a thriving community really, as evidenced by a ‘behind-the-scenes’ shot of a hip-hop recording studio after every fight. We’re not sure what KSW was trying to tell us, but it was awesome — and we can appreciate that.
In the co-main event, we were presented with a rematch of Mariusz Pudzianowski vs. James Thompson, something that I’m sure you’ve been clamoring over for months now since the first bout went down back in May 2011. Well, jokes on you. That was a damn entertaining fight. In any other MMA promotion, we would have seen the bout go for the full three rounds and then come to a conclusion. Well, not in Poland. KSW enforces a two-round rule and in the event that both rounds are split, they go into a ‘bonus’ third round. Pudz vs. Thompson was a thriller (personally I had it a round a piece), but at the end of the second round the judges announced a unanimous decision win for Pudzianowski. That didn’t stop James Thompson from snatching the microphone and going on a verbal tirade. Props to Thompson for channeling his inner Kanye West. Check out what just happened moments ago in Poland at KSW 17. Props to Eric H. for the find.
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