Well it’s Tuesday (barely) and last weeks poll results are in. Last week I asked which famous older chick would have the best MMA career. Madonna was the winner pulling in 34.9% of the vote. The first lady, Michelle Obama placed second with a solid 19.8%. Coming in third was Sister Act herself, Whoppi Goldberg with 16.3%. Just imagine Sokoudjou…there you have it. Next question was If MMA allowed weapons in the future, which would you like to see in the cage? No surprise here, brass knuckles was the winner racking up 28.4% while a sledgehammer pulled in second with 17.9% (that would be a short fight). bow and arrow came in last with only 3%, bummer. The last question was Which fighter would you like to see become a heavyweight? If we’re living in the Machida era, then its no surprise that Lyoto Machida got first place with a remarkable 50% of the vote. GSP came in a distance second with 22.7% while WEC champion, Mike Brown nabbed third place with 9.1%. Not a single person voted for Gilbert Melendez, a MiddleEasy.com first.
So it’s a new week and that means new polls. Here are questions:
Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle character would have the best MMA career
What’s the cheapest move in MMA?
If President Obama was an MMA fighter, who should his next opponent be?
You know what to do. Vote as often as possible on the right side of the page. Let’s get it on.