It looks like all those months of stalking Dana White have finally paid off…but not as much as James Toney expected. Dana White has made a formal monetary offer to James Toney and he back kicked, front kicked and side-check kicked it right out of the office. Dude wants to put on a show with complimentary smack-talk and he wants to cash out from it. Check out what James Toney told FightHype regarding White’s offer:
“Dana White’s first offer was a joke and that let’s me know he really don’t want to do this.”
“I know that [purses in MMA aren’t as big as in boxing], but this offer was laughable. That’s the reason I wanted the camera guy in the room with us when I sat down with Dana, so the fans would know that I was serious and if it didn’t happen, it wasn’t because of me.”
The James Toney saga still continues like some incredibly long intro to a Final Fantasy game. Dana White has offered James Toney money to join the UFC and that should be enough to make your head explode out of sheer amazement. [Source]