The little quip in the banner about Mark Hunt murdering billions of air molecules, I don’t know how accurate that is. It could be trillions, it could be thousands, I just don’t know and I’ve spent way too much time away from this article actually trying to figure out how many air molecules could be killed if an air molecule could be killed by Hunt. Kind of like if a woodchuck could chuck wood, except with scientific terms and math that are way beyond me. Either way, Zeus is probably wondering why this is taking so long and why I sent him The Ideal Gas Law:
ρ = p / (R T) (1)
p = pressure (kPa)
R = 286.9 = individual gas constant (J/kg oK)
T = absolute temperature (oK)
Density at atmospheric pressure 101.325 kPa (101325 Pa) and 0oC can be calculated as
ρ = (101325 Pa) / ((286.9 J/kg oK) (273 oK))
= 1.294 kg/m3
And let’s say Mark Hunt could kill an air molecule with his fist. Let’s go there. Is that a crime? Could Mark Hunt stand trial? Air is precious, sure, but at the very worst it would be some sort of negligent particleslaughter charge, and he can beat that. Especially in a New Zealand courtroom.
Mark Hunt and Stefan Struve fighting in the Saitama Super Arena is perfect. There is no way that fight won’t deliver, and we hope the reports coming from MMA Weekly are going to be 100% confirmed soon. According to MMA Weekly’s sources, the two heavyweights look to beat the hell out of each other March 2nd at the UFC on Fuel 8 card. I suggest neither of them train for it and they don’t leave their homes until it’s fight week so they stay 100% healthy. I’m leaving two highlight reels of the fighters after the jump to induce maximum excitement.