Last year some of you may remember that Dream 12 promo video that, as usual, made no sense. Watching a Dream promo video is like trying to understand the secrets of the universe through a Fisher-Price Viewmaster. It’s the type of stuff that not only stays with you for the rest of the life, but when you try to comprehend all of it…you can literally feel the brain tumor forming in your head. It’s best to just to watch and take it with a grain of salt (and an Advil Migraine…and a CAT Scan just to be safe).
In the Dream 12 promo video we saw brief cuts of what appeared to be a cage, which marked the first time the organization has embraced the concept of confining humans in a steel cage and letting them fight (best idea ever). On our favorite site that no one knows about, Nightmare of Battle, they translated an except from the Japanese MMA Magazine ‘Gonkaku‘ and the Dream EP not only confirmed that Dream 12 will occur in a cage, but he also said:
“I don’t think that an 8-sided cage (octagon) is the global standard.”
From the sketches, it appeared that Dream 12 was going to happen within a six-sided cage. On October 25th 2009, thousands of fans flooded the Osaka-jo Hall in order to witness the unveiling of the white cage. When the cage was finally unveiled, we were presented with a white (really white), six-sided cage that surprisingly wasn’t made out of metal. It’s Japan so they had to take the metal grate, reverse engineer it and produce something of a higher quality for a cheaper cost. Instead of iron, Dream incorporated a thinly weaved nylon-elastic blended material and wrapped it around each side of the cage. Essentially, it was a massive net fishermen used to illegally catch Dolphins and indiscreetly throw them in your tuna salad sandwich.
This morning (evening in Japan), Sasahara revealed that the Dream 14 surprise that everyone sat on the edge of their seats for was…the white cage. I wouldn’t call it a let down, but it’s not the Pride rules everyone was hoping for but it’ll do.