Chael better watch out – Anderson is training with Indians in Upper Xingu

Tribes of indigenous people from the origin of humanity in Africa, expanding out to greater Asia and across the globe were practicing their unique forms of grappling in the dirt shirtless well before Pankration. They are the original no gi grapplers and their skin was invulnerable to any type of infection, I’m sure. They were and are still the most manly of men, using animal knuckles for dice games and drinking blood to replenish electrolytes. I look up to them even if they have those emo gauge piercings.

Perhaps that’s why Anderson Silva has decided to make the trek to the Upper Xingu in the heart of Brazil to hone his grappling skills. How else do you combat the life lessons learned on the mean streets of Chael Sonnen’s beloved West Linn? Well by painting yourself and learning the native fighting style huka, huka of course.

Here is the Google translated article from Brazilian site that covered the middleweight champ’s adventure:

“Who says that Anderson Silva is unbeatable? The UFC champion went to an Indian village in the Upper Xingu to learn a new fight, huka huka, and had to roll on the ground to hold the Warriors camaiurá
Anderson Silva stares out the window of the small single-engine plane that has just stopped on the track of land. You are thoughtful, and smiles without looking away for even a second says: “Dude, how thrilling it here.” Outside the plane he sees dozens of indigenous children to approach running, hair and bodies painted red, crowding next to the aircraft awaits. A few days ago it was announced that a great warrior known worldwide come to the village where nobody knows who is Anderson Silva. In silence, he arrives, he goes to the large group of children, and surrounded, asked: “So who here is a fighter?”. Several raise the arm. Here in the land of the Indians camaiurá on the banks of the Xingu River in Mato Grosso, the fight is serious. And that is why the world champion in the octagon MMA changed the dirt floor. It was a struggle to learn local, huka-huka to find out whether you can apply his punches in fighting in the UFC.
“It’s another art that I know, I know how they handle the philosophy of this sport,” he said, they took the experience to record a video commercial for the brand of acai Amazoo. Logo that arrives besides children, Anderson also is received by Were. The young man is quite strong and respected by everyone in the village. Loads a string tied around the waist that has been hanging on the back of the carcass of a bird Xexeu, black and yellow, with outspread wings. It is a kind of belt-huka huka, use only the champions fighters difficult to overturn. “If I lose a duel, my opponent can start this belt for me, playing on the floor and stomp on the bird. It’s as if I did not have the right to use it, “says Were.
“I want to know how they handle the philosophy of this sport”

We saw what a few training sessions with Steven Seagal did for Anderson, I hope Chael is ready for the huka, huka.

Thanks to Arthur Knoqout for the find.


Published on February 4, 2012 at 6:54 pm
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