Hey remember that Carano/Cyborg fight that everyone was hyped about but got lost in the whole Fedor/Affliction ordeal? Yeah, that’s going down this weekend and I’m so incredibly amped up that I want to flip over a table or at least a small mammal (or better yet a small mammal on a small table). Just kidding PETA, we would never flip over a small mammal (we only eat them wrapped in tortillas and lettuce). These chicks are making history this weekend (herstory) and they will be going five 5-minute rounds. for the first ever Strikeforce Women’s Championship. You can kick your monitor of out pure excitement, don’t worry…my functional alcoholic neighbor will buy you another. Or better yet, kick my functional alcoholic neighbor in the face and I will give you a monitor as a prize. Next MiddleEasy contest, ‘Who can kick my functional alcoholic neighbor in the face the quickest?’. Yeah I would like to have that contest…today.