Combat sports are awesome. Being a fan of the big three combat sports, boxing, kickboxing and MMA is awesome. You could include professional wrestling in there if you so please since they share a lot of the same qualities. So you have four different types of entertainment, chances are you won’t be able to watch all of it. So if you’re like me, you get to pick and choose with whatever is putting out the best product. For my money right now, I’m not sure anyone is doing it better than boxing. Part of the reason is the influx of new talent, there are so many new and interesting guys in boxing.
One of those guys is GGG, Gennady Golovkin. The 32-year-old Kazakhstan native has been quite the force in boxing the past few years. Pretty much obliterating and turning everyone into dust, in fact anyone he’s fought has never been seen again, don’t fact check that just trust me. He fights next month, watch this, learn and get excited.