How could I talk about Vitor Belfort without mentioning Affliction II: Day of Reckoning when the dude nearly comatosed Matt Lindland live on PPV. Everyone in that arena (including all the heads that dropped $59.95 on what has still been one of the best cards this year) just thought we witnessed our first unintentional execution. This wasnt what we bargained for. It was like the future dipped into that weird semi-post apocalyptic The Running Man area. I was expecting Arnold Govenator to run in the cage rocking one of those yellow spandex jumpsuits (which we’re still waiting to see). Damn. When the guy that knocked you out is praying over your unconscious body, you know the future for Lindland didnt look that promising (not as promising as a future with hoverboards).
During the TUF finale last weekend, Dana White said how he was trying to get Vitor Belfort back in the UFC during one of those pseudo-interviews for Spike TV (that everyone instantly forgot when they saw this). Tom Atencio (who’s fighting in The Ultimate Chaos this weekend for the sole reason of ‘keeping it real’) went into his trachea and pulled out some verbal daggers to aim at Dana White: “I’m talking to [Belfort’s] management, so we’re in negotiations. Where Dana came up with that, I don’t know. Maybe he’s just trying to stir the pot. That’s what he does and he does it well.” Dana White stirs the pot well? I wonder what he’s cooking, dude must be a marvelous chef. I normally dont’ say ‘marvelous’, but when it comes to White’s cooking abilities, I’ll make an exception. Regardless, where he fights…we still think the dude has one of the coolest names in MMA. With a name like Vitor Belfort, you would think the dude was conceived in the Castle Transylvania. [Source]