The Arma series is equal parts crap-tastic and everything you’ve ever wanted out of a game. The massive battles across a 300 KM recreation of Greece (in Arma III for example) are breathtaking in scale and pure fun. But, like most games nowadays, the real innovation is coming from modders.
Enter Altis Life. It’s basically what you always wanted GTA Online to be. There is player housing, you can choose to be a cop, really enforcing the laws (even giving people tickets for speeding) or you can be a citizen who lives a normal life, working in mines or setting up a trading post. Others go the criminal route, where the big money lies. But be careful, when you’re gathering ingredients to make your meth, rival gangs of real players will be trying to kill you and take your hard-earned materials. Between them, the cops and rebels that run through the land, there is never a dull moment in Altis Life. Dave Walsh and I play it often and laugh.
Rather than continue our salt mining business in earnest, we decided to sit next to a dead dog in a town square for two hours. What happened was pretty crazy and hilarious.
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