After a win in his last outing, Arman Tsarukyan looked to extend his winning run against Joaquim Silva in the co-main event of UFC Vegas 75.
UFC Vegas 75: Arman Tsarukyan vs Joaquim Silva
Round 1
Arman opens with a high kick. He lands a body kick. Arman goes for the takedown and gets it. He’s on top and Silva does well to cancel Arman’s offense. Arman turns up the pressure. He moves back out. Silva gets up and Arman attacks his back. He has one leg hook in to bring Silva down. Arman lands punches from back. Arman still on the back. Arman uses his strength to pull him back and won’t let him up. He changes position to come to the side and gets up to land a huge elbow. They end the round on the feet.
Round 2
Arman goes for two body kicks. He lands another body kick and another. 1-2 and body kick from Arman. He jabs and strikes with an elbow on the chin. Nice uppercut gets through for Arman. Arman grapples, pins him against the fence, looking to trip him. They separate an return to the middle. Nice left hook from Arman and Silva fires one right back. Nice uppercut from Arman. Light right hook from Silva. Arman lands a right hand. Nice left hook from Arman. Arman steps in with a jab and low kick. Silva lands a shot to the body. Hug left hook from Silva wobbles Arman. Arman shoots for a takedown in an attempt to save further damage. He’s on top and manages to survive. Crushing elbow from Arman. Arman lands a big elbow.
Round 3
Silva threatens with a head kick. Arman lands a jab. Body shot from Arman and he eats a strong counter punch back. Arman turns up the offensive pressure. He grapples and is working on taking him down. He finally gets him down and is on top. Silva works his way back against the cage. Arman lands a knee while getting up. Silva gets up. Body kick by Arman. Silva throws a knee, Arman gets it and takes him down. Arman lays down the ground a pound with plenty of elbows and now punches. Hammer fists from Arman. Silva is taking a lot of damage. He rolls around with Arman on his back. Silva turns and Arman continues the onslaught and it’s a finish.
Official Result: Arman Tsarukyan defeats Joaquim Silva by TKO (R3, 3:25).