Before I make your brain slowly melt inside your head by explaining what MMA Geometry is, let me just point out that our very own Cat Von C was named one of the 25 sexiest girls in MMA in 2011. It makes her feel uncomfortable, but she’s just playing the humble card right now. I’m sure the inner Cat is running up and down the wall in pure elation.
At the heart of everything, we are all locked into one incomprehensible galactic struggle for ultimate understanding and ‘world creation.’ In South American shamanism, world creation is an essential device that enables the shaman to gain access to an object that has been forgotten or lost in their present reality. Mircea Eliades calls the reality in which we inhabit ‘the profane’. This profane reality retains the flaws that hinder it from becoming the idealized reality accessed by the shaman. The constructed universe of the shaman may not be manifested at all but a shared reality that is only accessible to non-corporal deities. The shaman has access to this universe through the use of hallucinogens, a vital key that can access this universe. However, as we see in shamanism, the hallucinogen is simply not a fail safe pass into this realm. The access is granted solely not with the hallucinogen itself but the process or ceremony leading up to the ingestion of the hallucinogen. Peruvian shamans for instance, subject their bodies to several extremes in order to cleanse any impurities. These rituals may include sleep deprivation leading up to the hallucinogen, fasting for what could be several days, rigorous physical activities such as scaling the face of mountains under the guise of ‘spirit quests’. It is important to recognize the female archetype that is apparent with the parallel of world creation and child birth and how it can explain this ‘work creation’ process. As previously mentioned, indulging a hallucinogen is not the sole way to enable oneself to create these worlds. Indeed, the process leading up to this ‘work creation’ can hold a higher intrinsic value than the product itself which is seen in Tibetan mandalas by devoted Buddhist monks. Certain substances, at times, may even complicate this ‘world creation’ by lulling the senses.
That was actually a snippet of my PhD thesis I completed back in 2008. I just wanted to drop something overly complex on your heads, and let it slowly marinate over time. Now check out this geometrical representation of the MMA universe as created by business intelligence developer, ‘Clint.’
Check out the MMA Geometry here!