We all have something we geek out over, don’t we? I geek out over normal things like thigh-high socks, lip gloss and Damarques Johnson wearing his MiddleEasy shirt. I also geek out over random nerdy stuff like the weather channel, stalagtite and stalagmite rock formations and fractal geometry. Seriously, every time that fractal geometry documentary comes on PBS, I do the crip walk across my living room floor and bake some cupcakes to celebrate. I always invite my friends to come over and share in the excitement of the repetitive pattern that makes up all matter in the universe but no one ever shows up. They really don’t know what they are missing, I bet if I ask him, Anderson Silva will show up. He seems to love science. Just take a look at how geeked out he gets over science on this Brazilian kids show and tell me he wouldn’t totally dig some scientific cinema and homemade cupcakes.