Up next is the co-main event of the evening. It’s a rematch for the featherweight title, as Max Holloway attempts to regain his belt from the current champion Alexander Volkanovski.
Round 1
Herb Dean is our referee for this title fight.
Holloway takes the center of the cage right away and Volkanovski lands a leg kick. Volkanovski moves around Holloway and feints kicks and jabs. Volkanovski lands a leg kick and pressures Holloway. Holloway land a kick to the body and a combination to the body. Holloway lands a leg kick and a body kick. Volkanpvski tries to get inside and Holloway lands an uppercut. Volkanovski lands an overhand left. Holloway lands a front kick to the body and lands a right hand. Volkanovski lands another leg kick. Volkanovski lands a right hand to counter Holloway. Holloway lands another front body kick and a leg kick. Holloway lands a head kick and Volkanovski drops briefly to the ground.
10-9 Holloway.
Round 2
Holloway takes the center of the octagon and feints the front kick. Holloway lands a body kick and evades the punches. Volkanovski lands two leg kicks and Holloway answers with one of his own. Holloway lands a big combination as Volkanovski tries to break the distance. Holloway lands a leg kick and evades the pressure. Volkanovski lands a right hand and moves around. Holloway lands a stomping kick and follows up with a high kick. Both fighters are trading leg kicks. Holloway lands a knee. Head kick is blocked by Volkanovski. Volkanovski lands a left hook and Holloway lands body kick followed by a straight right hand. Head kick lands for Holloway, he then drops Volkanovski with an uppercut. Volkanovski gets back to his feet and the round ends.
10-9 Holloway
Round 3
Volkanovski starts the round with a leg kick. Body kick is blocked by Volkanovski. Flying knee lands for Holloway against the cage. Volkanovski tries to pressure Holloway but he evades the pressure. Left hook lands to the body for Volkanovski. Holloway lands a left kick and Volkanovski lands a left hook. Volkanovski shoots for a takedown but Holloway defends. Volkanovski maintains the clinch against the fence but Holloway breaks free and lands a knee. Volkanovski lands a left hook but he eats a jab from Holloway. Volkanovski lands a jab and a leg kick.
10-9 Holloway
Round 4
Both fighters land leg kicks. Volkanovski lands but Holloway counters to the body. Leg kicks lands for Volkanovski. Both fighters miss in the pocket. Volkanovski lands a leg kick. Nice left hook from Holloway followed by a middle kick. Volkanovski gets the takedown but Holloway gets back to his feet immediately. Leg kick lands for Volknanovski. He attempts a takedown but Holloway stops it. Holloway lands a left hand and Volkanovski lands a jab. Flying knee and straight right hand lands for Holloway.
10-9 Volkanovski
Round 5
Holloway lands early. Holloway land and uppercut and a right hand, followed by a head kick. Leg kick lands for Holloway. Volkanovski attempts a takedown but Holloway stuffs the takedown. Both fighters land In the pocket. Volkanovski lands a right hand. Holloway lands a big right hand. Holloway lands a one-two on the chin of Volkanovski. Volkanovski trips Holloway but he is up right away. Takedown stuffed by Holloway. Volkanovski ends up on top as the fight ends.
10-9 Volkanovski
Official results: Alexander Volkanovski wins by split decision and remains the undisputed UFC featherweight champion.
Check the highlights below:
The kicks of @BlessedMMA look sharp early 😯 #UFC251 pic.twitter.com/Y6ljhO6UjR
— ESPN MMA (@espnmma) July 12, 2020
Max Holloway has the kicks going tonight 💥 #UFC251
(via @espnmma)pic.twitter.com/YR2mCFHI7T
— ESPN (@espn) July 12, 2020
The @BlessedMMA Express is rolling with another knockdown late in Round 2 🚂 #UFC251 pic.twitter.com/7eaaOv58PJ
— ESPN MMA (@espnmma) July 12, 2020
Another knockdown! 😱
Adjustments have been made for @BlessedMMA. #UFC251 | #InAbuDhabi | @VisitAbuDhabi pic.twitter.com/iTeezIqGPP
— UFC (@ufc) July 12, 2020
What was your scorecard? 🏆 #UFC251 pic.twitter.com/f93XTQytoF
— UFC (@ufc) July 12, 2020
🏆 @AlexVolkanovski keeps the belt! #UFC251 pic.twitter.com/a0wdLk1yPJ
— UFC (@ufc) July 12, 2020
Two words. Hard work. #UFC251 pic.twitter.com/zf0qNu2qJw
— UFC (@ufc) July 12, 2020